* $160 per person on ATV *
+ 13% iva tax

This tour stops at Tulin River, Jaguar Waterfalls and El Tigre Sightseeing.
Jaguar Private Waterfalls:
This private property exclusive to Jaguariders is now the most popular destination within riders in town! You will be going along long and curvy roads towards the mountain, passing through tiny rural housing areas, looking at rivers and beautiful scenic views from the mountains until you arrive at the Jaguar. There are 4 different waterfalls with great pools to swim on, Sutton, Tortuga, Coyote and the Jaguar, which is the tallest one. They are located in an amazing place on a rainforest forest floor covered with beautiful plants and gorgeous huge trees that makes it a unique paradise stop.
Usually you will go to Sutton’s waterfall first, stopping right at the base on your ATV so you can jump straigh into water!
After some time eigther checking all waterfalls or swimming we head to El Tigre Sight seen to look at amazing views for pictures. It is a great time to take advantage of the Restaurant’s Menu and order great food before heading back.


Price per person
5 Hour Tour - $160
6 Hour Tour - $200
**Additional $35 for passanger in the back
Prices + 13% IVA Tax
Side x Side

Price per vehicle
5 Hour Tour- $340
6 Hour Tour- $400
*Per vehicle up to 4 people
Prices + 13% IVA Tax
Honda CRF250X

Price person
5 Hour Tour- $300
6 Hour Tour- $340
** Maximum 1 person per motorcycle
Prices + 13% IVA Tax